GO Math Grade 7 Formula Book for the WHOLE YEAR
This resource provides no-prep notes for 7th grade GO Math! While it follows the lesson sequence in GO Math, it can easily be adapted to any math curriculum. The notes cover every lesson in all Units, making them perfect for students who have difficulty taking legible notes, for students who are absent, or for teacher preparation. Each concept is explained with clear, step-by-step instructions and includes example problems to reinforce learning.
7th Grade Unit 1 includes:
Module 1: Adding and Subtracting Integers
1.1 Adding Integers with the Same Sign
1.2 Adding Integers with Different Signs
1.3 Subtracting Integers
1.4 Applying Addition and Subtraction of Integers
Module 2: Multiplying and Dividing Integers
2.1 Multiplying Integers
2.2 Dividing Integers
2.3 Applying Integer Operations
Module 3: Rational Numbers
3.1 Rational Numbers and Decimals
3.2 Adding Rational Numbers
3.3 Subtracting Rational Numbers
3.4 Multiplying Rational Numbers
3.5 Dividing Rational Numbers
3.6 Applying Rational Number Operations
7th Grade Unit 2 includes:
Module 4: Ratios and Proportionality
4.1 Unit Rates
4.2 Constant Rates of Change
4.3 Proportional Relationships and Graphs
Module 5: Proportions and Percents
5.1 Percent Increase and Decrease
5.2 Rewriting Percent Expressions
5.3 Applications of Percents
7th Grade Unit 3 includes:
Module 6: Expressions and Equations
6.1 Algebraic Expressions
6.2 One-Step Equations with Rational Coefficients
6.3 Writing Two-Step Equations
6.3 Solving Two-Step Equations
Module 7: Inequalities
7.1 Writing and Solving One-Step Inequalities
7.2 Writing Two-Step Inequalities
7.3 Solving Two-Step Inequalities
7th Grade Unit 4 includes:
Module 8: Modeling Geometric Figures
8.1 Similar Shapes and Scale Drawings
8.2 Geometric Drawings
8.3 Cross Sections
8.4 Angle Relationships
Module 9: Circumference, Area, and Volume
9.1 Circumference
9.2 Area of Circles
9.3 Area of Composite Figures
9.4 Solving Surface Area Problems
9.5 Solving Volume Problems
7th Grade Unit 5 Includes:
Module 10: Random Samples and Populations
10.1 Populations and Samples
10.2 Making Inferences from a Random Sample
10.3 Generating Random Samples
Module 11: Analyzing and Comparing Data
11.1 Comparing Data Displayed in Dot Plots
11.2 Comparing Data Displayed in Box Plots
11.3 Using Statistical Measures to Compare Populations
7th Grade Unit 6 Includes:
Module 12: Experimental Probability
12.1 Probability
12.2 Experimental Probability of Simple Events
12.3 Experimental Probability of Compound Events
12.4 Making Predictions with Experimental Probability
Module 13: Theoretical Probability and Simulations
13.1 Theoretical Probability of Simple Events
13.2 Theoretical Probability of Compound Events
13.3 Making Predictions with Theoretical Probability
13.4 Using Technology to Conduct a Simulation
GO Math Grade 7 Formula Book for the WHOLE YEAR